
Mausoleum Prices

1200 East Fir Street

Mount Vernon, Washington 98273

360-336-6845 Fax 360-336-2154

Prices effective May 28, 2019


Crypts North and South Side:

                     Level 1  (A – J)……………….. $ 3,800.00 + 760.00 endowment care =   $ 4,560.00

                     Level 2  (A – J)……………….. $ 4,600.00 + 920.00 endowment care =   $ 5,520.00

                     Level 3  (A – J)……………….. $ 4,600.00 + 920.00 endowment care =   $ 5,520.00

                     Level 4  (A – J)……………….. $ 3,600.00 + 720.00 endowment care =   $ 4,320.00

                     Level 5  (A – J)……………….. $ 3,400.00 + 680.00 endowment care =   $ 4,080.00

                     Level 6  (A – J)……………….. $ 2,000.00 + 400.00 endowment care =   $ 2,400.00


Opening and Closing of Crypts:

                   Opening and Closing (Mon.-Fri., 9am to 3pm)……………………………….…......$ 475.00

                   Name Bar…………………………………………………….……………….…..........................$ 525.00*

                   Vase Unit…………………………………………………………………....................………......$ 275.00*

                   Washington State Sales Tax …………………………………………........…………..........$  69.60

                                                                                                 Total………….………...$ 1,344.60

Entombment Overtime:

                   Saturdays and after 3pm crypt side……………………………………..…….…$ 775.00

                                Sundays and Holidays …………………………………………………………$ 975.00


 Outdoor Niches North and South:

      Level 1 – 2  (A - L)…………….$ 795.00 + 159.00 endowment care  =          $    954.00

      Level 3 – 6  (A - L)…………….$ 895.00 + 179.00 endowment care  =          $  1,074.00

      Level 7 – 10 (A - L)……………$ 695.00 + 139.00 endowment care  =          $    834.00


Glass Front Indoor Niches:

            Single …………………………......$   895.00 + 179.00 endowment care =          $ 1,074.00

            Couple…………………………......$ 1,795.00 + 359.00 endowment care =         $ 2,154.00

            Family …………………………......$ 2,695.00 + 539.00 endowment care =         $ 3,234.00


Opening and Closing of Niches:

                        Opening and Closing …………………………………………..……………......…….$ 300.00

                        Name Glass (Indoor only)……………………………………………………..……….$  80.00*

                        Name Bar (Outdoor only)……………………………………………..….…………..$ 365.00*

                        Vase Unit (Outdoor only)……………………………………………….………...…. $ 172.00*



Second Inurnment in Niche:

                        Opening and Closing ……………………………………………………........………..$   300.00

                        Name Bar  (outdoor only)……………………………………………………..........$   365.00*

                        Washington State Sales Tax ………………………………………..……………....$     31.76

                                                                                          Total……………………..$ 696.76

Inurnment Overtime:

  Saturdays and After 3pm Graveside (added) …………………...…………..…$ 675.00

  Sundays and Holidays (added) …………………………………………………..........$ 875.00


Note: All name bars, vases and emblems are to be a standard size and format, for more

                                information contact cemetery management.


Outdoor Niches Measure 10"x10"x11" deep.

Rev. 05/18                                Prices Subject to change without notice.


Please note standards for Glass Front Indoor Niches on Reverse





Standards for Glass Front Niche


  1. One urn will be allowed in a Single Niche.
  2. Two urns will be allowed in a Couples Niche.
  3. Five urns will be allowed in a Family Niche.
  4. We will allow urns that are made of;








  1. A front door code will be provided to each purchaser.
  2. $150 will be charged to reopen a niche to add personal items.

Personal items are subject to cemetery approval.


Dimensions of Glass Front Niches:

Single:  11 ½” width by 11” height by 9” deep

Double (companion):  21 ½” width by 11” height by 9” deep

Family:  34 5/8” width by 11” height by 9” deep




Kern Funeral Home, 1122 South Third Street, Mount Vernon, Washington, 98273 - (360) 336-2153
Mount Vernon Cemetery, 1200 East Fir Street, Mount Vernon, Washington, 98273

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